MCQs in Virology (11-20) with Answers

MCQs in virology-2 post contains ten (10) multiple-choice questions from various areas of virology. Most of the questions are can be addressed if you have a basic concept about genomic structure and replication of various clinically important viruses (or Baltimore classification of virus). Some of the questions are about prions, and others are about bacteriophages.

The answer keys are given at the end of the post.

11.Viruses that contain two complete copies of positive-strand RNA and the enzyme reverse transcriptase are:
a. Toga viruses
b. Rhabdoviruses
c. Retroviruses
d. Reoviruses
e. Enteroviruses

12. The time from adsorption of a bacteriophage to release of newly synthesized bacteriophage is generally
a. 1-5 minutes
b. 20-40 minutes
c. 1-4 hours
d. 6-24 hours
e. 1-2 days

13. Bacteriophages that can enter into stable, long-term relationships with their hosts are called:
a. Lytic phages
b. Defective phages
c. virulent phages
d. lazy phages
e. Temperate phages

14. The positive strand of certain viruses does not act as a message but becomes converted into DNA and integrated into the host cellular DNA. These viruses are
a. Rhinoviruses
b. Enteroviruses
c. Retroviruses
d. Reoviruses
e. Picornaviruses

15. Infants infected with cytomegaloviruses (CMV) in utero may suffer from:
a. mental retardation
b. enlarged spleen
c. liver damage
d. any of these
e. none of these

16. Viroids are unusual in that they:
a.have no capsid protein or envelopes
b. contain RNA
c. are barely visible with the light microscope
d. can cause disease in plants
e. are retroviral

17. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) , kuru, scrapie, and Mad Cow disease are caused by:
a. Viroids
b. Retroviruses
c. DNA viruses
d. Prions
e. RNA viruses

18. The human virus that has been associated with Burkett’s lymphoma ( a malignant tumor of the jaw) is:
a. Cytomegalovirus
b. Human papilloma virus (HPV)
c. Retroviruses
d. Epstein- Barr virus
e. Enterovirus

19. Viral surface proteins have various roles to play for their survival and in pathogenesis. Which of the following statement is most accurate about them?

a. Misfolded viral surface proteins cause prions disease.
b. They act as proteases that degrade cellular proteins leading to cell death.
c. They are the polymerases that synthesize viral messenger RNA.
d. Neutralizing antibodies are formed against viral surface proteins.
e. They play role in the regulation of viral transcription.

20. Enveloped viruses are more easily inactivated by lipid solvents and detergents than viruses that do not have an envelope.
Which one of the following viruses is the most sensitive to inactivation by lipid solvents and detergents?

a. Coxsackie virus
b. Hepatitis A virus
c. Herpes simplex virus
d. Poliovirus
e. Rotavirus

Answers to MCQs Virology

11. c (Retroviruses)
12. b (20-40 minutes)
13. e (Temperate phages)
14. c (Retroviruses)
15. d ( Any of these)
16. a (have no capsid protein or envelops)
17. d (Prions)
18. d (Epistein-Barr Virus)
19. d. Neutralizing antibodies are formed against viral surface proteins.
20. c. Herpes simplex virus

NOTE: Practice MCQs in Virology (21-30 here)

Acharya Tankeshwar

Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I am Tankeshwar Acharya. Blogging is my passion. As an asst. professor, I am teaching microbiology and immunology to medical and nursing students at PAHS, Nepal. I have been working as a microbiologist at Patan hospital for more than 10 years.

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