MCQ on Virology (1-10) with Answers

These multiple-choice questions or MCQs on virology test your knowledge and understanding of the structure of viruses (shape, size, chemical components) and classification of viruses. These questions are very basic to check your understanding of basic virology. Answers to these questions are given at the end of this blog post.

  1. Viruses range in size from:
    a.1-100 nm
    b. 25-300 nm
    c. 10-100 μm
    d.400-1000 nm
    e. 1-10 μm
  2. A structural component that is found in all viruses is:
    a.The envelope
    b. DNA
    c. Capsid
    d. Tail fibers
    e. Spikes
  3. A chemical component that is found in all viruses is:
    b. Lipid
    c. DNA
    d. RNA
    e. Glycoproteins
  4. A common polyhedral capsid shape of viruses is a :
    b. Cube
    c. Icosahedron
    d. Pyramid
    e. Sphere
  5. Enteroviruses differ from rhinoviruses mainly in their:
    a.Type of nucleic acid
    b. Size
    c. Capsid shape
    d. Ability to survive acidic conditions
    e.  Strandedness
  6. Viruses that can remain latent (usually in neurons) for many years are most likely:
    b. Herpesviruses
    c. Enteroviruses
    d. Rhinoviruses
    e. Retroviruses
  7. What types of viruses contain the enzyme lysozyme to aid in their infection?
    b. Animal Viruses
    c. Plant Viruses
    d. Fungal Viruses
    e. Human Viruses
  8. The process of readily counting Bacteriophages is called:
    b. ELISA
    c. Plaque assays
    d. Tissue cell culture
    e. Electron Microscopy
  9. A type of cell culture that can reproduce for an extended number of generations and is used to support viral replication is a :
    a. Primary cell culture
    b. Continuous cell line
    c. Cell strain
    d. Diploid fibroblast cell
    e. Connective tissue
  10. Which of the following is not an RNA virus?
    b. Enterovirus
    c. Rhabadovirus
    d. Adenovirus
    e. Rubellavirus


  1. b (25-300 nm)
  2. c (Capsid)
  3. a (Protein)
  4. c (Icosahedron)
  5. d (Ability to survive acidic conditions)
  6. b (Herpes viruses)
  7. a (Bacteriophage)
  8. c (plaque assays)
  9. b (Continuous cell line)
  10. d (Adenovirus)

NOTE: Practice MCQs in Virology (11-20 here)

Acharya Tankeshwar

Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I am Tankeshwar Acharya. Blogging is my passion. As an asst. professor, I am teaching microbiology and immunology to medical and nursing students at PAHS, Nepal. I have been working as a microbiologist at Patan hospital for more than 10 years.

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