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1. Specific immunity can be acquired either naturally or artificially and involves A) all of the below. B) antibodies. C) antigens. D) the classical complement...
You can try these mentioned Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in Malaria. You can find the correct answers with explanations for some of these questions at the end of this blog. MCQs Malaria 11....
I am writing this post to help you remember the fundamental differences between the two malarial parasites P. falciparum and P.vivax. I hope after going through this post, you will discover some...
Urease is a constitutively expressed enzyme that hydrolyzes urea to carbon dioxide and ammonia. Many organisms especially those that infect the urinary tract, have a urease enzyme that is able to...
The oxidase test is a technique for detecting the presence of the terminal enzyme system in aerobic respiration called cytochrome C oxidase or cytochrome a3. Usually, the family Enterobacteriaceae...
I firmly believe that Microbiology is the most exciting subject, blended with many fascinating, funny small creatures invisible to the naked eyes of humans. The world of these tiny organisms is...