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B Cell Development: Maturation, Activation, and Differentiation
B cells are a type of white blood cell that plays a crucial role in the immune system. Millions of B lymphocytes are generated in the bone marrow daily and exported to the periphery. The rapid and...
T-cell activation is essential in the immune response, specifically in the adaptive immune system. T cells, a type of lymphocyte, play a central role in coordinating and executing immune responses...
Multicellular organisms, including plants, vertebrates, and invertebrates, have an intrinsic method of defending themselves against microbial infections. Since these methods are always present, ready...
You may have seen a sci-fi movie giving codes/names to agents so that they can communicate internal matters without being detected during secret mission. Similarly, the genetic code (discovered by...
Plant cells are immobile organisms and have many distinguishing structures than animal cells. The main difference is the absence of two membrane-bound components; plastids and...
The Golgi body is a cellular organelle present in most eukaryotic cells. The Golgi body is also known as the Golgi complex, Golgi apparatus, lipochondrion, Barker's body, and Dalton complex. In 1898...